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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
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A search for 'City Of Ghosts' gave the following results:

2 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
3 matches in composers
  1. We Are the City
  2. The Sun City Girls
  3. Like City Lights Receding

11878 matches in tracks
  1. City of Ghosts (00:59)
    from Womb Raider
  2. Ghosts of Palm City (05:44)
    from Cape, The
    from "The Lich, Part 1"
  3. "Grim Grinning Ghosts" - Singing Busts (01:07)
    from Haunted Mansion, The
    *Not Featured in Film**Includes Music Not Featured in Film***Different Version Than in Film†Includes “Grim Grinning Ghosts”(Written by Xavier Atencio and Buddy Baker)
  4. Ghosts (00:41)
    from Flesh And Bone
  5. Red Ghosts (04:26)
    from Secret Of The Sahara, The
  6. Three Ghosts (00:33)
    from Scrooged
  7. Ghosts (02:49)
    from Borgia
  8. Ghosts (01:21)
    from Requiem For A Dream
  9. Ghosts (00:32)
    from Passage To India, A
  10. Do You Believe In Ghosts? (02:43)
    from Thirteenth Tale, The
  11. Ghosts (02:57)
    from Epic Adventure
  12. Ghosts (01:51)
    from Dig, The
  13. Ghosts (00:54)
    from Bringing Out the Dead
  14. The Ghosts (00:00)
    from Hour, The
  15. Believe In Ghosts (01:23)
    from Shot In The Heart
  16. Ghosts (03:40)
    from Road To Perdition
  17. Ghosts (02:04)
    from Copernicus' Star
  18. Ghosts (03:56)
    from Amargosa
  19. No Ghosts* (00:00)
    from Danny Elfman & Tim Burton 25th Anniversary Music Box, The
  20. No Ghosts* (00:00)
    from Pee-wee's Big Adventure
Show all 11878 matching tracks